OESP (Ontario Electricity Support Program)

Ontario Electricity Support Program (OESP)

The OESP is an Ontario Energy Board (OEB) program that lowers electricity bills for households experiencing lower income. The OESP provides a monthly credit to eligible customers based on household income and household size. The OESP credits are applied directly to eligible customers’ bills.

For some customers, the need to use more power is necessary. If your home is electrically heated, or you rely on an approved medical device requiring a lot of electricity, OESP offers a higher level of assistance.

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Eligibility by Income level (estimate):

Credit amount approved by OESP will depend on how many people live in the house and the combined household income after tax.

The maximum income amount to qualify for the program is outlined below.

• 1 person household with an income of $38,000 or less
• 2 person household with an income range $38,001 – $54,000 or less
• 3-4 person household with an income range $54,001 – $65,000 or less
• 5+ person household with an income range $65,001 – $71,000 or less

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Customers can apply online at OntarioElectricitySupport.ca. Customers need to complete the online application, print and sign the consent form, and mail it to the address provided on the OESP website. A paper version of the application can be downloaded from the OESP application website at OntarioElectricitySupport.ca or can be mailed to applicants by the OESP Contact Centre upon request.

Customers unable to apply online can contact Empower Simcoe by calling: 705-739-0485, or emailing housingcalls@empowersimcoe.ca

Customers experiencing a change in income from the previous year meeting eligibility criteria can call 705-739-0485, or emailing housingcalls@empowersimcoe.ca, to book an appointment for application.

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