Journey to Belonging progress – April 2023 Update


Journey to Belonging progress – April 2023 Update

As shared at the 2023 Ontario Agencies Supporting Individuals with Special Needs Conference, please see the progress update below on Journey to Belonging: Steps to Towards the Development of a Person-Centred Funding Approach.

“Journey to Belonging: Choice and Inclusion” lays out the Ministry’s long-term vision for developmental services in Ontario, where people with developmental disabilities are supported so they can participate in their communities. It is a vision where people live meaningful lives and have access to the same opportunities and services as their fellow Ontarians.

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At Empower Simcoe, we are committed to supporting this bold vision knowing that together, we can make a meaningful impact and better support people with developmental disabilities. Learn how the ministry is working with its partners on a long-term vision for developmental services where people with developmental disabilities fully belong in their communities and are supported to live the lives they choose.

Download PDF HERE

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