Family Relief Information Update

Family Relief Information Update

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Child's Name
Parent/Guardian Name
Preferred Method of Contact
Can we leave a message?
ACSD (Assistance for Children with Severe Disabilities)
SSAH (Special Services At Home)
OAP (Ontario Autism Program)
Recreational Funding (Health Star, Jump Start, etc.)
Other Funding
Please indicate how you intend to use respite funding should it be renewed.
Please select all the options that suit your family's respite plan.
Do you currently have a Respite Worker or Mediator?
Are you familiar with that assists with connecting to respite providers in your area?
Have there been any changes over the past year that directly affect your respite needs?
Have your respite expenses changed?
Please choose which priority level best describes your need for Family Relief Funding
I give consent to have the information from this document shared with the Family Relief Allocation Committee